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Making connections nationwide in medical staffing.

Success! You sold yourself with your resume, and now you have an interview for a per diem, local contract, or direct hire (full-time) position. Be prepared to sell your skills as an RN, Allied Health professional, Advanced Practice professional, Pharmacy professional, or Physician by planning ahead. Normally, your first contact will be over the phone. Be sure to confirm times and places whether it’s a face-to-face interview or a phone interview.


Be Prepared

Prepare for a personal interview for medical employment as you would if you were taking a test. Do your homework. Obtain information about the facility from the Internet, the public library, and of course, from your Account Manager.

Know Your Resume & Prepare for Questions

The prospective employer will have a copy of your resume in hand. Be prepared to answer questions about your healthcare career and the profile you presented. You’ll want to discuss your strengths as an RN, Allied Health professional, Advanced Practice professional, Pharmacy professional, or Physician and how your skills and experience will contribute to their organization.

Several questions may include:

• What can you contribute to the organization?
• What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?
• How well do you work with others and get along as part of a team?
• How do you handle stress?
• Why should we hire you over the other candidates?
• Why do you want to work here?

Talk Away From Distractions

Prepare your environment for a phone interview. Stay away from distractions, such as doorbells, pets, and family noises.

Emphasize your Strenghts

It’s a good idea to reference the research you did on the healthcare facility and then ask some more specific questions about the organization and the healthcare job, such as the work environment and any challenges that exist. If it becomes apparent that there are specific skills required that you do not excel in, emphasize your strengths.

Wrapping up

As the interview approaches its conclusion, ask if your skills and abilities meet their needs and the requirements of the per diem, local contract, or direct hire (full-time) job. The response may provide you with the opportunity to clarify concerns or provide additional information. If you have unanswered questions, be sure to discuss them with your Account Manager. We’re here to help you every step of the way!

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